Thursday 10 May 2018

Dream... I saw Jo in my dream last night. What happened before that scene is now blurry, but I remember seeing him coming out of the theatre after a rehearsal of NINA. As always I was very happy to see him, especially after such a long time. He told me that he was considering moving to another country to try something different, after nearly 15 years running his company Noism. I told him I was sorry I wouldn't be able to come to Shanghai to see the performances of NINA. Then it occured to me that if I was talking to him, I must be whether in Niigata, or in Shanghai with him... Then, of course I woke up...

I'm still trying to find a way to come. The visa issue is the one big obstacle. 

NINA - materialize sacrifice... Our first piece together. It changed the course of our lives. That was in 2005. I have rarely met an artist with whom I feel such a deep connection and creative kinship.

And Sawako will be dancing The Dream of the Swan next week in Hangzhou and Shanghai. That solo is our latest creative effort. I wish I could see it in realy life...


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