Friday, 27 November 2009

Z&A / A&Z - msn conversation II


Zen Tan dit :
It’s okay, big brudd,a I might be a lil bit paranoid, he he!
I might be going to Taipei at year end!

孫仕安 dit :
I'm truly sorry about that.
I know it's not the same in Malaysia compared to other places. I should be aware of that!
Zen Tan dit :
No no!
It's not about the Malaysian culture or whatsoever
In fact many people don't care about that
It's just me myself
cuz I have some people in my list and I don't wish them to see the pics
孫仕安 dit :
... and you haven't told them all about yourself?
What do the pics have? It's just you smiling with friends!
I mean, there are tons of pics with guys being shirtless at parties...
Anyway, I hope it didn't cause any trouble
That’s the last thing I want to do!
I'm glad you're coming
Hope I'll see you
Zen Tan dit :
I don’t mind to be topless! HAHA! But not at parties
Beach holiday topless pics are fine.
孫仕安 dit :
Oh really?
Zen Tan dit :
 But not party pics
孫仕安 dit :
I thought you were a raging circuit boy:
And the sight of shirtless you wouldn't harm anyone, quite on the contrary!
Or they're hypocrits!
Zen Tan dit :
I am never a circuit boy
Since when was I one ?
孫仕安 dit :
Don't know.
I'm glad to learn you're not
Zen Tan dit :
Nothing wrong to be one
孫仕安 dit :
Zen Tan dit :
I'm not here to judge
孫仕安 dit :
mmmwell, it's not a question of right and wrong
Zen Tan dit :
And I never know, would I be one in the future? But at least I'm not now. I do go to parties, but I don’t fancy parties that much. yeap
孫仕安 dit :
It makes me sad to see them waste their health like that with drinks and drugs.
It's like they make all these efforts going to the gym, looking athletic just to sink into unconsciousness.
The more I go out, the more I feel like a Martian watching human beings!
That's why I said I was glad you were not a circuit boy
You have too much to do with your music!
How's your music by the way?
Zen Tan dit :
he he
I think it’s a matter of preferences
Maybe these circuit boys, they like that…
I assume that they are pretty much aware of it, but they just like it
孫仕安 dit :
I don't know…
I  wish to believe that. I am just not convinced
Anyway, that's my own problem.
In any case, I hope you'll have time to meet up when you come.
Zen Tan dit :
I want to see you!
It's been nearly 2 years since I saw you
孫仕安 dit :
Well, it will be 2 years. I didn't grow a second head, don't worry!
Zen Tan dit :
Neither did I!
孫仕安 dit :
Maybe you got more buffed
... Anyway, it will be a pleasure to see you again
Oh dear, I feel like a blushing teenager when I say that, haha!!
Zen Tan dit :
I've gained some weight, definitely.
Hahaha! I'm getting older!
Metabolism rate plummets.
孫仕安 dit :
Zen Tan dit :
he he
No, I’m serious!
No more twinky Zyan
孫仕安 dit :
You have even more bulging muscles then
I'll call you the Incredible Zulk!
The most important is that I see you
And you never were 'twinky' anyway. More hunky, I would say... or stud-y...?
You'll age gracefully!
But please... 
How old are you now?
Zen Tan dit :
I was never that hunky O_O
I can't be that hunky, or else I would look too plump for that, he he
孫仕安 dit :
That's baby!
I'm turning 40 next year...
So much with that age thing
Zen Tan dit :
He he! I thought you were turning 30 next year.

孫仕安 dit :
How much do you do you want? How much did they pay you? Who paid you?
Zen Tan dit :
ha ha ha ha
U always look great big brudda!

孫仕安 dit :
You haven't seen me for the past two years, how could you know?
Oh, let's stop that vanity talk! It makes me feel really shallow! lol
You're a handsome bloke, whatever your age, full stop!
.... and I love your smile
Little boy smile…
With your dimple!
So cute!
Zen Tan dit :
he he
I should appreciate what I have
I used to hate myself for looking too boyish
孫仕安 dit :
You have more than you need, fella
So treasure that!
Zen Tan dit :
Sometimes I think it doesn't match with my age. And looks can be deceiving. But again, whatever it is, this is me
孫仕安 dit :
Zen Tan dit :
And I don’t look that boyish anymore, so... haha!!!
孫仕安 dit :
Zen Tan dit :
I'm fine. And yes, we should stop talking about how we look like
孫仕安 dit :
How recent is that picture there?
Hey!!!! You WENT ON!!!!

Zen Tan dit :
U mean the display pic?
2 months ago
孫仕安 dit :
It's not my fault...
Zen Tan dit :
Yes my fault!

孫仕安 dit :
Well, okay, I will not listen to your blah blah about how unboyish you are, because two months ago, you were still boyish.
I don't see any change... and it's a snapshot
Zen Tan dit :
孫仕安 dit :
.... unlike my picture where we studied the light etc...
so you are real
Zen Tan dit :
Only judge when you see me in Taipei! Full stop.
孫仕安 dit :
Full stop...
Full stop!
Zen Tan dit :
孫仕安 dit :
I'm so vain...
Zen Tan dit :
 We are all vain
孫仕安 dit :
It must be age
But you know, it starts to drive me crazy, when each time I meet someone, they ask my age. And then it's the usual scene of disbelief: "What? really???", blah blah blah...
I try to find diversions. Like asking them their opinion on the situation in Ivory Coast
But they don't get the humour. (sigh)
Zen Tan dit :
Did that only happen in Taipei?
孫仕安 dit :
No. Everywhere, actually
Zen Tan dit :
Or maybe I should say:
Asian countries?
孫仕安 dit :
It's like a number one hit at the moment. I hear it all the time
Zen Tan dit :
I understand
I hear ya big brudda!
孫仕安 dit :
... Like 'nobody nobody but you'
Zen Tan dit :
孫仕安 dit :
Yesterday, the girl at the restaurant got stuck with it and played that song 7 times!!!!!
Zen Tan dit :
That's sure a viral hit.
孫仕安 dit :
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Zen Tan dit :
Oh gosh.
孫仕安 dit :
Maybe she was practicing the moves…
Zen Tan dit :
I would lodge a complaint if I were u
孫仕安 dit :
Now there are two clans...
Zen Tan dit :
I think she was!
孫仕安 dit :
Those practicing nobody nobody but you and those practicing sorry sorry sorry sorry
What a world!!
Zen Tan dit :
Oh gosh...
孫仕安 dit :
And the most terrible thing is that it's contagious!
Zen Tan dit :
In fact these 2 songs are everywhere in Asia
How scary is that?
孫仕安 dit :
I like Super Junior...
For the joke I even bought a t-shirt 'I love Super Junior' in Thailand
Now the question is: will I have the guts to wear it?
I have a 'I love fish balls' t-shirt
Zen Tan dit :
Yes you wore that when you came to see me, remember? You bought it in Hong Kong
孫仕安 dit :
And then a wicked friend of mine said 'Oh that's so gay!'
I asked why. He said: because the place where you bought it is known to be populated by gays
Go figure.... I thought there wasn't anything more 'straight' than fish balls... sigh...
I'm discovering Marc Almond's lyrics, they're quite fab.
I didn't know he wrote so well.
My ex bf befriended him recently and has been sending me lots of lyrics saying that there were many similarities between us
so how's your music going?
You'll tell me another time
So happy
Take care
I'm glad we've chatted today! 

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