Wednesday 6 June 2012

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We just signed the new contract with the landlord. After a year and eight months living with my flatmate Hsin Chin aka Olivier, aka Chubby. It was a good flat sharing experience, even if turned a bit sour in the end.
It's Ryan who will share the flat with me. Not Strawberry-Boy Ryan, but Yoga-teacher Ryan. I can only hope it's going to go well. Of course, the ideal situation would be to live by myself. Unfortunately, the little proposition that Jay had in mind will not work out: he wanted to use Chubby's room for his teaching sessions in Taipei. He would only need it four days a month. But the money he would get out of the training would have been sufficient to pay half of the rent... Quel dommage!

Chubby seems relieved now. So it seems. I guess it will do him good to be in a new environment. My vanity would like me to think that he will miss this flat on JiuQuan Street. But maybe he doesn't care as much as I do to live in a nice interior. He may have enjoyed it, but it's not vital. As for many people in Taiwan (and many other countries in Asia) functionality rules.

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