Derjk Wu,
the boss from a classical music magazine called em… Muzzik has just called to ask to meet me for lunch. He came to see the last performance NINA and wants to meet me and apparently will also bring along a reporter from The China Time. Derjk was sitting next to me at the wedding banquet and we laughed a lot together.
Things are going so quickly, it’s hard to keep up even for me!
I’m meeting Sandee Chan tomorrow. Hopefully she’ll show some interest in collaborating with me on a few songs. I listened to a few of her songs yesterday and I still really enjoy her musical world.
Keep the faith, keep the faith.
That’s what I say when I think of Billy. I met Mr. Wonderful more than two weeks ago at a party through a common friend, Duncan who introduced me to him - which was a big mistake for himn for Duncan had some views on me. Later in the evening, Billy came to me and asked for my number. A date with a handsome man! But the story didn’t start that easily. I was caught in a triangle and didn’t know which end to pull.
Billy invited me to come to his place. A home party, as they like to call it. I didn't know the other guests. The flat was located in GuTing. The building didn't look very inviting at first sight - which could be said to most of Taipei. It's unbelievably charmless architecturally. But once inside the flat, I couldn't help but appreciate the work of the interior designer. Everything was perfect, spotless, except maybe the absence of any book, which to me is always a bad sign...
Billy wasted no time in telling me that I was scoring high on his potential boyfriend list. Who wouldn't yield to such declaration? An extremely handsome man, around the same age as me - for once! Smart, gentle and elegant with a body to die for. When he came to pick me up down in the lobby, the sight of him just made me melt. The kind of man everyody would dream of, but would never dare to approach. And he was the one who came to me!
"More complication ahead", I thought.
The tinge of guilt I felt regarding Duncan hovered over me. I decided I would simply tell him. However, a little voice told me that Billy, however strong the attraction I felt toward him, was going to cause more than a heartache.
One never listens to the voice of reason in the matters of love, and I was no exception. A glad fool, I was.
The party went on fairly smoothly. Some were playing cards, others were watching TV in the bedroom, drinking or chatting in the guestroom. I was given a glass of vodka-orange. Billy had fixed it for me.
I had been drinking water until then and thought that a bit of alcohol wouldn't do me any harm.
Fifteen minutes or so later, I had the sensation that something was taking control of me. I felt nauseous. My head was spinning. I needed to lie down so I went to the guestroom to have a rest. Then I remembered I used to feel the same way when Emmanuel and I were sharing pot in the evening.
Could it be...?
I went to the kitchen and drank as much water as I could. The nauseous feeling slowly faded away.
"Did you put anything in my drink?" I asked Billy.
His little smile betrayed him.
"I wanted you to feel at ease and happy!" was his reply. His voice sounded like a moan. His stare was vague.
I knew he had also taken something. Something much stronger than what he gave me.
I still felt dizzy, so I went to the bedroom where some were watching
Mama Mia and joined them on the bed.
Later on, Billy had lost it. He was in bed, sweating and drifting in his own fantasy world. Jonas, one of his closest friend, and one the few I talked to during that home party, told me that Billy would be okay.
I looked at him, the handsome,muscular hunk who mesmerised me, now shaking and trembling. I saw a little baby one needs to take care of.
"Complication and trouble ahead" I thought when I left.