Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Santa in Saigon

Winter in Saigon is like a hot summer in Europe. It’s less the temperature than the mindless use of air con that troubles me.

My cousin organized an improvised Christmas family gathering. Cousins  and relatives I have met once, seen in pictures or only heard of, showed up for the occasion. 
Nam had given me the number of a friend of his, Son, and we have already met quite frequently. One of them mentioned a Santa Claus service where I could buy  a present and have the ho ho ho man deliver it in person to the child! My cousin’s six-year-old twin sons loved it. It was their first meeting with the legendary figure and they were gaping in front of him, spellbound and speechless, while the Santa Claus man was sweating in hell, too fit and youthful he was in his outfit…
Everybody wondered how Santa Claus found his way to my cousin’s.  I didn’t say anything to keep the mystery alive. Santa Claus does indeed exist!!!

This stay in Saigon is too short. Tomorrow morning I will fly to Singapore. As for Vietnam I have no idea where or what or how or whom with. I just go and will decide on the spot according to the momentum.

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