Tuesday, 8 May 2007

The happy after

Premiere of Play 2 Play in Tokyo tonight. The theatre was located on the top floor of a department store, on the eastern side of Tokyo.
The vibe in this area is much different than Shibuya or Shinjuku. More friendly and less stressful.
I wasn’t sure I wanted to see the show again. As I felt I needed to take a break from Noism for the time being. I didn’t see the point of loitering on that ground anymore. Things had been slightly tense between me and Jo. Unspoken tension.
However I had promised Mihara-san I would join him and his staff for a little dinner afterwards. Since I got lost and missed our previous appointment, I couldn’t refuse.
Some journalists from magazines I never heard of, were there as well. It didn’t turn out to be a serious dinner at all. If I had to talk about the piece and the music at first, the conversation soon shifted to lighter matters. The wife of one journalist made the comment that some dance movements she saw reminded her of robots. Mihara-san then started talking about his collection of toys and figurines, and before we knew it, everyone was reminiscing about the Wacky Race and telling what his favourite manga was.
Jo later jokingly told me he was glad not to have been there. Otherwise his mystique would have gone up in smoke within a second!

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