Wednesday 4 April 2018

As the new version of my first short film is being finalised, I have been doing lots of reading, biographies or journals by or about Truffaut, Edward Yang, the Beat Generation, Mozart, Frida Kahlo... I am having lengthy conversations with friends and fellow artists... and I couldn't help but think that, even if we may not yet be fully aware of it, in our common struggles, our determination to go on and survive in the fast and narcissistic Internet age, to develop our projects, work and collaborate with others, keep our integrity despite the hardship, we form an artistic movement not unlike the French or Taiwanese Wave, the Beat Generation, or the Fluxus Movement. When I read about them, I can't help but see the similarities. I am thankful that they existed, that they left us such a wonderful legacy. I am inspired by people like Diaghilev, Erik Satie, Al Hansen, Franz Liszt or Truffaut. They give me the strength and the confidence to keep on, despite what I see and hear around me, despites those who doubt, despite the fact that, more often than not, I am on the verge of giving everything up. 

Nobody knows where all this will lead to, but I shall keep on contributing. 

So thank you my friends and fellow artists.

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